Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Candidate for Dental Implants

Candidates for dental implants need to be in good oral with healthy gum tissues. However, If you suffer bone loss, that does not necessarily exclude you as a dental implant candidate.

Dental implants can save a life; this might seem like an exaggeration, but dental implants have restored the confidence and well-being of many patients who were often embarrassed about their toothless grins. While dental implants are one of the best solutions available to patients, it’s important to determine your candidacy for this unique treatment.

What Makes a Good Candidate

Let’s take a look at what ideal candidates for dental implants look like:

Generally Good Oral Health

Patients must be in generally good oral health and overall health to undergo implant surgery. If you have pre-existing medical conditions or oral health issues, you must make the dentist aware of them during your consultation.

Older Than 18

Since dental implants are permanent and require sufficient jawbone support, this treatment is not recommended for young patients who may not have all their adult teeth or full-growth yet. Any change to your oral development could hinder the success of your dental implant. If your child or teen has lost an adult tooth, consult with your child’s pediatric dentist.

Sufficient Jawbone and Gum Tissue

Dental implants need a stable foundation for osseointegration, so a healthy jawbone and gum tissue are required. However, if your jawbone has been depleted, your dentist recommends a bone graft to help revitalize the area.


Smoking can prevent the dental implant from healing and from osseointegration from taking place. This equates to a higher risk of dental implant failure. While it is advised that you quit before receiving dental implants, talk to your dentist about your status and how it could affect your dental implant eligibility.

Am I Qualified for Full Arch Implants?

Patients with multiple missing teeth or lacking a full arch of teeth can qualify for full arch dental implants. Patients who currently have dentures and would like to switch to another treatment method may also be eligible for a full arch dental implant replacement.

Consult with your dentist

If you are suffering from tooth loss, don’t suffer forever. Contact us at Cal Dental Group to schedule your free consultation. During the consultation, patients will learn about what treatments they qualify for, the benefits of each treatment, the cost and financing, and more.