Canker Sores – Causes, Symptoms, and Cures

Canker Sores – Causes, Symptoms, and Cures

Canker sores are small, painful sores inside of your mouth. These usually cause pain, discomfort, and extra water in the mouth. Often, this cause appears on the lining of the cheeks, upper and lower side of the tongue, on the gums, inside of the lips, and on the soft palate of your mouth.


Canker sores usually start appearing in the form of red spots or bump that slowly develops into an ulcer. In severe conditions, canker sores take the form of white or yellow sores with reddish outlines. A patient feels burning, tingling, or prickling sensation on the infected area up to 24 hours before the sore appears.

As the sore are painful; therefore, the patient feels a considerable problem while speaking, eating, or brushing.
In severe conditions, a tiny ratio of patients also suffers from fever, swollen lymph nodes, and sluggishness. The best option is to consult your dentist, who will provide you the best treatments.


Although no proven causes of canker sores have been discovered so far, numerous factors are considered to cause this problem in the mouth. According to Cal Dental Group dentists, an injury to mouth is more likely to take the form of canker sore. Damages may be caused due to severe tooth brushing, biting on hard things, braces and dentures.

Sometimes, you mistakenly bite your chin line during swallowing; this causes wounds that later take the form of canker sores. Canker sore and fever blisters are different diseases. The most significant difference is that canker sores appear inside the mouth, whereas fever blisters appear outside the mouth on the boundary lines of your lips.


In general, canker sores disappear on their own without getting any treatment. For a quicker recovery, you need to adopt the following measures.

  • You need to avoid taking citrus food like oranges, soda drinks, or other similar foods and drinks because these worsen your canker sores’ condition, ultimately causing a long recovery. Chocolate and coffee have also proved to increase the intensity of sores.
  • Intensive toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate, hormones, emotional stresses, smoking, gastrointestinal disorders, and autoimmune disorders also cause make the canker sore more severe and panic.

Home Remedies

Home remedies have proved to be useful for the treatment of canker sores. One of the most frequently applied and simple home remedies is the use of lukewarm salted water and sodium bicarbonate solution. You can mix a teaspoon of salt in one cup of lukewarm water, swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Adopting this practice frequently in a day can accelerate healing your sores. A paste of baking soda with small water drops can also trigger your canker sores.

Milk of Magnesia

Applying magnesia milk with cotton swabs directly onto your canker sores also helps relieve pain and discomfort. Usually, this remedy is used after using hydrogen peroxide solution.
If your canker size is more significant than usual and the problem is persistent for more than two weeks, you need to consult a dentist in Los Angeles.

The dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your disease and will then recommend treatment accordingly. Usually, dentists recommend tetracycline suspensions (liquid) for two to five minutes before swallowing.